Racist bullying plagues Calgary family in mostly-black housing complex, mother says
Rock throwing, taunts of 'white trash' prompt Blair France to organize anti-bullying picnic

A Calgary mother says she and her kids have become victims of racist attacks from other children in their southwest housing complex, where most of the residents are black.
Blair France says her family has been taunted and pushed around for 'being white.'
"They call me white trash and a marshmallow. They say I don't belong here because I'm white," said France's 12-year-old daughter Deborah France.
Local children even come on to France's front lawn at the Shaganappi Village complex, swearing at the family and pelting the house with rocks, she says.
"I've called the police numerous times."
"I'm in fear for my life. I sleep on my couch at night because I'm afraid that someone is going to break into our house," said France.
She says the taunting is taking a toll on her kids.
"My children's grades have gone down. They've never been bullied before," she said.
The affordable housing complex is run by Calgary Housing, but France says officials have done nothing about the situation.
She says moving away isn't really an option.
"We barely make enough money to live where we are right now."
France says one neighbour told her the problem is simply kids misbehaving and that no one in the complex is against white people.
Another parent of the alleged bullies responded angrily when France raised the issue with her, she says.
In an effort to bring the community together, France is organizing an anti-bullying picnic on Saturday on her front lawn.
"We're doing a fundraiser to buy balls and recreational products for these children so they have something to do," she said.
"We need a new basketball court here."