The year of 'garbage opinions': 2022's headline of the year
Waste removal feedback tale knocks out Twitter favourites' $2.9M NFT loss, oxford comma decree and monkey romp

"The City of Ottawa wants to hear your garbage opinions" took top spot in a popular headline of the year contest put on by a Calgary-based Twitter user.
The top headline, announced on New Year's Eve, just eked out a win over "Man who paid $2.9m for NFT of Jack Dorsey's first tweet set to lose almost $2.9m."
"The final 2 captured the mood of Twitter this year," said Paul Fairie, who said started the contest in 2018 to entertain himself over Christmas.
More than 35,000 votes were cast during the best of 16 tournament, and an additional 58,000 points (scored primarily through likes and RTs) set up the contest from the original 24 headlines.
The full list of headlines are ranked below, and you can read more about the first two rounds, and other past winners, here.
If you come across any headline gold this year you can, of course, tweet Fairie at @Paulisci.