Dog grabbed by coyote in N.W. Calgary yard
'I don't know how she's alive,' says Brandie Cumbers
A Calgary woman says her dog Gertie is lucky to be alive after it was grabbed by a coyote in her yard on Wednesday.
Brandie Cumbers let her two-year-old Yorkshire terrier out early in the morning in the northwest community of Briar Hill when it was grabbed by a coyote.
The coyote then proceeded to run down the road with Gertie in its mouth. Cumbers chased the coyote down her street, around the corner and into a busy street before it dropped her dog in the middle of the road.

She said the coyote, which was about the size of a German shepherd, didn't appear to be afraid of her and didn't run away.
"She has 14 bites," said Cumbers. "They're all kind of like that around her neck and body, and nothing broke. Nothing internal — so super lucky. I don't know how she's alive."
Coyotes are a common type of urban wildlife. The city advises people to watch their pets or small children in areas where coyotes have been spotted.
If a coyote approaches do not run or turn away, instead keep eye contact and slowly back away. Officials also suggest making loud noises by banging sticks, clanging pots together or shouting to keep them from getting habituated to people.