Calgary: A city full of tough souls
Calgary's got the determination to get through the trying times
The common phrase "when it's tough, the tough get going" speaks to Calgary, and it's something I've known for the past 24 years.
While the word tough can sometimes infer anger, bitterness or resentfulness, it can also reflect down right ugliness. We have seen this in acts of racism, demeaning graffiti and violent threats on our premier.
This is deeply unfortunate. It speaks of a narrow few, and certainly not the majority.
I sense there is a toughness that is more about resiliency, maturity and hard work. Calgary has spunk.
This is a tough city.
Place of Ideas
Calgary is a pioneering city, a place of ideas, of vision and possibility. I often say, "This is the city of possibilities. If you live in Canada, and you have an idea, this is the place to fly them. This is the place to be."
We are a people who are creative and adventurous. This recent downturn is met with people saying, "We have done this before and we will do it again."
Although I think this time may be different, I still believe it will make us even tougher. I don't mean "stiff upper lip" tough, I mean open and creative with a future-driven toughness to explore change and possibility.
We saw this with the recent photo of major oil and gas folks on stage with the premier stepping into creative renewable energy possibilities — addressing climate change creatively and curiously.
We see this with our response to Syrian refugees in welcoming new Canadians, or the compassion and the generosity toward non-profits as they seek to raise funds in a time of scarcity. The generosity is humbling.
While there can be a fear and small mindedness, this city has always spoken of a bigger vision. We aren't stuck claiming "where we have come from," or entitlement like "who's your daddy."
We are a people who promote fresh starts and new ventures. For me it begins with looking with into our souls, both the individual and collective soul of the city.
Our soul work is practising a time of soul searching. It involves deep listening, a wrestling with questions like:
- "Who am I?
- "What am I being called to do?"
- "What matters most?"
- "How then shall I live?"
- "What matters most?"
These kinds of questions deepen our purpose in the world. It becomes less about accomplishing something and more about being someone worthwhile in the world.
Our community at Hillhurst United begins each service with the reminder that we are loved, that we all make mistakes and yet we are forgiven. Full stop.
We are then invited to accept ourselves, our failures and mistakes as lessons for living wholeheartedly. This reminder invites us to receive a grace from beyond.
It moves us on and into the new day that has dawned.
I believe this also welcomes us to a self love and a love for our neighbour that encourages a loving way to live in the city. It is a letting go of grasping and a welcoming of possibility. This is tough work.
It requires vulnerability, openness, courage and bravery to dare greatly. I see vulnerability as our greatest strength, not to pretend, but to be honest about our mistakes, to risk being wrong and to enter the arena of life.
Sure, there will be folks in the cheap seats who will dismiss or try to diminish us. But Calgary is a tough city where trying is rewarded.
Keeping soul
A long time ago a man said: "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?" This question invites a worthwhile reflection.
A truly whole person will be strong in their soul work. Trusting in their evolving purpose. Open and honest.
A truly great city will always maintain its soul even in tough times. It won't lose its soul when oil prices bottom out, or flee when the grass looks greener elsewhere.
When our souls are fed, nurtured and attended to, we are stronger and tougher through tough times. Soul work is tough work to do. It requires trusting and openness to the unexpected.
It requires a losing of one's self, to gain one's self. It is about deep listening. As we journey into 2016, perhaps this will be the "year of the soul."
A time to commit to the work of our souls, and the practices of soul making, so that we might truly know a deepen and lasting that matters in tough times.
Calgary at a Crossroads is CBC Calgary's special focus on life in our city during the downturn. A look at Calgary's culture, identity and what it means to be Calgarian. Read more stories from the series at Calgary at a Crossroads.