Calgarians share their random acts of kindness
A little "happy" as you head into the long weekend. Strangers who shovel your sidewalk, pay your grocery bill, buy coffee for cops: your stories of random acts of Calgary kindness, and how they made this city a better place.
Your stories about this city

So... what with all the gloomy economic news, layoffs, falling house prices, things can seem a bit grim around town these days. So, the time seems right for a bit of good cheer — a bit of "happy" — as we all head into the long weekend.
Angela Knight, of The Calgary Eyeopener on CBC Radio, has been asking people in our city to share their "random acts of Calgary kindness."
And share you did. Turns out there's a whole lot of "nice" going around.

You can see more stories of kindness in the comments underneath the original story, or on our Facebook page.