Max Fawcett
Max Fawcett is the former editor of Alberta Oil and Vancouver magazines. He worked in the Alberta government’s climate change office between 2017 and 2019.
Latest from Max Fawcett

OPINION | Why Alberta won't have a PST without electoral reform
The best way to finally bring in a provincial sales tax in Alberta might be with something that’s nearly as unpopular with elected politicians as the provincial sales tax: proportional representation, Max Fawcett writes in this opinion piece.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | Ottawa needs to fight more effectively for the carbon tax
In an environment where misinformation thrives, and where one side has repeatedly shown its willingness to spread it about the carbon tax, the Trudeau Liberals may have to fight fire with something other than wood, says Max Fawcett.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | Political courage in short supply? No problem, just call a plebiscite
While holding provincial plebiscites in a municipal election may serve the UCP’s near-term political interests, that format may not be nearly as constructive when it comes to the looming conversation about potential new revenue measures.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | Alberta could be looking at a massive brain drain
This flight of human capital will have real costs for Alberta, and they’re ones that Jason Kenney’s government should be particularly nervous about, says Max Fawcett.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | Why separation is not a solution, or even a credible bluff
While much has changed in the world in the two decades since Stephen Harper’s so-called "Firewall Letter," little seems to be different in the ideas that Jack Mintz, Ted Morton and Tom Flanagan are presenting in their new book.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | A Joe Biden victory would present a unique challenge for Jason Kenney
For as long as he’s been involved in politics, Kenney has been described as a skilled and savvy operator. Now, Albertans get to find out if that’s actually true.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | Why everyone needs to stop 'Norwailing' over Alberta's oil piggy bank
It's time to stop lamenting the sorry state of the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund (which currently sits at $16.3 billion) and comparing it to Norway’s own oil-driven sovereign wealth fund, whose balance is measured in the trillions of dollars.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | An offer Alberta couldn't refuse
Here's a cheeky idea for the prime minister: How about actually addressing the concerns of western Canadians?
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | In Alberta, it's always the economy, stupid
If the NDP want to have any chance of forming a government in 2023, they’re going to have to become far more fluent in the language of jobs and economic prosperity.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | Alberta could be fighting its last pipeline battle
While physical distancing and the economic uncertainty it has created will decrease demand for oil in the near term, it’s the longer-term consequences of COVID-19 that ought to be even more worrying for the oil and gas industry.
Canada -Calgary |