Angela Piovesana
Angela Piovesana has been a resident of High River, Alta. for 18 years. Piovesana owns and operates Red Bag, a clothing store in downtown High River, with her son. Piovesana says creativity and inspiration are key to her life and her business.
Latest from Angela Piovesana
The changing face of High River's downtown
High River resident Angela Piovesana blogged for the CBC last summer about her experiences during and after the floods that hit southern Alberta. Today we check back in with her to see how the community is coping a year later.
Canada -Calgary |
High River animal shelter rescued hundreds of pets
While High River residents were rescued within the first few days after the floodwaters hit the southern Alberta town, rescue efforts continue for missing pets.
Canada -Calgary |
Falling between the cracks after High River flood
Karla and Gary Adolphe, parents to a three-year-old and a baby due in October, were living in their RV while they renovated their new home when the flood hit High River.
Canada -Calgary |
High River's Underground Supper Club grows
Blogger Angela Piovesana on a growing event in High River, Alta.
Canada -Calgary |
BLOG | Helping High River flood victims, one room at a time
In the early days after the flood I had many friends outside our community send me messages asking what they could do to help. I eventually came across an organized effort called Room In a Box that I thought was brilliant.
Canada -Calgary |
BLOG | Floodway or fringe? High River neighbourhood divided
While the difference between floodway and flood fringe may seem negligible to many Albertans, for the residents of the High River neighbourhood of Wallaceville it means a world of difference.
Canada -Calgary |
BLOG | A tribute to those lost in the flood
High River blogger Angela Piovesana remembers two people lost in the floodwaters that ravaged the community of High River in June.
Canada -Calgary |