Water main break closes main roads in Victoria
Police have closed Blanshard Street between Hillside Avenue and Caledonia Avenue, and Bay Street between Quadra Street and Douglas Street.
Sections of Blanshard Street and Bay Street were closed off for the morning commute

A broken water main near two major roadways in Victoria is creating traffic havoc for the morning commute along with minor localized flooding.
Victoria Police have closed Blanshard Street between Hillside Avenue and Caledonia Avenue, and Bay Street between Quadra Street and Douglas Street this morning after water started pouring out of a broken main near the Island Farms plant on Dowler Street.
Crews are on the scene but it is unclear how long repairs will take.
Drivers are being diverted around the problem.
Water is flowing on Bay Street after a water main break. <a href="https://t.co/iYhT8xRp8P">pic.twitter.com/iYhT8xRp8P</a>