UBC student sentenced to 60 days for Stanley Cup riot
A UBC student has been sentenced to 60 days in jail for participating in the Stanley Cup riot and assaulting a photographer who was attempting to put out a trash can fire.
However Alexander Peepre will serve his time on weekends over the next five months so that he can continue to go to school, the judge ruled on Thursday in Vancouver. Peepre is a student in the political science department at UBC.
Peepre was also ordered to perform 125 hours of community service and pay the owner of a GMC truck he helped flip over $2,000.
He is also being sued by Cameron Brown, the photographer he sucker-punched, for $4,000 worth of damage he is alleged to have caused to Brown's camera.

Charges have so far been approved against more than 140 people alleged to have participated in the riot. Several dozen have pleaded guilty, but only a handful have been sentenced.
Last week 23-year-old UBC student Camille Cacnio, who was photographed stealing pants from a looted clothing store, was handed a suspended sentence that will include two years of probation, a night-time curfew and 150 hours of community service.
The riot caused nearly $4 million in damage over several blocks of downtown Vancouver. Rioters smashed windows, set cars on fire and looted stores for hours until police in riot gear and on horseback were able to bring the crowd under control.