British Columbia

Surrey pitches light rail transit line

The City of Surrey is eyeing light rail transit when it comes to expanding south of the Fraser.

Surrey LRT

13 years ago
Duration 2:06
Officials in Surrey want to bring light rail transit to the area

The City of Surrey is eyeing light rail transit when it comes to expanding south of the Fraser.

Over the weekend, officials showcased their proposal to bring an LRT line to the area.

"We commit $164 million a year to TransLink, so it's important those dollars flow south of the Fraser now," said Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts.

Surrey wants to build three lines that connect to Surrey Central Station — one would travel down to Newton City Centre, the second would link to Langley along the Fraser Highway and the third train would go towards Guildford along 104th Avenue.

"Well, TransLink has identified a skytrain from [Surrey] City Centre to Langley at a cost of about $2.2 billion," Watts said.

"What we are saying is, if that's what you are going to spend, give us the money and we'll put all three lines in."

Before a Surrey LRT line can become a reality, the city would need  the province and TransLink to commit to the plan.