Family of toddler who died in Vancouver fire issues statement
'This has been a very devastating and life-changing event'
The family of a three-year-old girl who died in an East Vancouver house fire Thursday has issued a statement.
"This has been a very devastating and life-changing event for them," it reads. "They would like to express their gratitude for all the love, prayers and donations that have been received."
The two-alarm fire broke out on the home's main floor sometime after 3 p.m. On Friday, Vancouver Fire Chief John McKearney said it was caused by space heaters that were "very close" to the toddler's bed.

The girl's twin sister, older brother and mother all escaped the home. The mother suffered serious burns to her face trying to save her daughter, McKearney said.
She and several family members remain in hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation.
A second family also lived in the house but wasn't home at the time of the fire. The family's statement said that they, too, "lost everything" in the blaze.
GoFundMe pages have been set up for each of the families. Both are looking for a new place to live and would like to stay together.
A small memorial for the three-year-old with notes and flowers has been set up outside the home.
- An earlier version of this story quoted firefighters and police as saying the deceased girl was two years old. Her family has since clarified she was three years old.Jan 09, 2017 2:43 PM EST