B.C. United calls Premier David Eby 'condo king' over Victoria property sale in 2019
Criticism came as B.C. United introduced amendments to proposed short-term rental legislation

The sale of Premier David Eby's condominium in Victoria has become embroiled in the debate over the B.C. New Democrat Party government's proposed law on short-term rental accommodations.
The Opposition B.C. United accused Eby on Tuesday of largely profiting from the sale of his condominium in 2019 because it was in a building complex that did not have rental restrictions.
Housing critic Karin Kirkpatrick told the Legislature that Eby sold the condo for $150,000 more than he originally paid, capitalizing on the province's explosion in short-term rentals.
The government introduced proposed legislation this month that takes aim at rapidly expanding short-term rentals in B.C. in an effort to increase badly needed long-term rental housing.

The proposed legislation allows for operation of short-term rentals outside of a primary residence in 14 resort municipalities, and in cities of less than 10,000 people that are 15 kilometres or more away from a larger city.
Renee Merrifield, an Opposition member of the Legislature from Kelowna, referred to Eby in the house as "condo king," who cashed in by selling his Airbnb-friendly apartment.
But Eby calls the dispute a "manufactured scandal," saying he sold the condo where he was living with his family to buyers who bought the property for one of their children attending post-secondary education in Victoria.
"I did not market the property for short-term rental,'" Eby said at a news conference at the Legislature.
The one-bedroom, one-bathroom condo in Victoria is valued at $421, 800 on B.C. Assessment.
B.C. United introduces amendments
The criticism came as B.C. United introduced two amendments in the Legislature on Tuesday: one that aimed to reduce the time definition of a short-term rental accommodation service to 30 days from the proposed 90 days, and another that sought an exemption for travel-related to medical purposes.
Both were voted down.
B.C. United is also pushing for property owners to be allowed to operate a short-term rental in one additional property to their primary residence, provided they don't already have a secondary suite offered for short-term rental.
Kirkpatrick argued that the changes would benefit people who have secondary properties like cabins that they would not otherwise rent out.
"This is family property, primarily, and it's certainly not going to turn into rental property if they ... determine they can't do short-term rental there," Kirkpatrick said.
The province pushed back on this suggestion Tuesday, with Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon saying the changes amount to "loopholes" and would be a "step backwards" in providing affordable housing.
"The steps we've taken are about making sure the housing stock we have is available to the people of British Columbia who are desperately needing it," said Kahlon.
"Not just those who are looking to make money off investments."
The additional amendments will be debated in the house.
With files from Emily Vance