'Everything is still really raw,' says brother of bystander killed in Vancouver
Family of 15-year-old Alfred Wong says they are still in shock over death

The older brother of Alfred Wong, the 15-year-old bystander who was killed in an exchange of gunfire in Vancouver on Jan. 13, says his family is still in shock.
"Everything is still really raw right now," said Wilfred Wong, who was joined by the family's pastor Caleb Choi, at a Vancouver Police Department news conference on Monday afternoon.
"It's difficult to look back," he said.
"The 15 years we had with Alfred were far too short but we know that Alfred is now in heaven with God. My parents and I will always love him dearly and his death will leave a void in our hearts… but the years he had with us will impact our family forever."

Choi described Alfred as a bright, young man who excelled at his studies.
"He was enrolled in many of the honours classes at Pinetree Secondary School and was passionate about every course he took. Outside of school, he participated in martial arts, basketball and swimming. He was hoping to become a lifeguard and had already completed many of the requirements," he said.
"He intended to pursue a career in electronic engineering… He was very close to his parents and brother and was loved dearly by them."

The family has set up two scholarships to help others pursue dreams similar to Alfred's, Wilfred said.
Both read from prepared statements and did not take questions.
Alfred was a student a Pinetree Secondary in nearby Coquitlam. He was shot while riding with his parents in a car travelling near the intersection of West Broadway and Ontario Street.
Two other men were also struck by bullets, including 23-year-old Kevin Whiteside, whom police believe was the intended victim and who later died.
Police say Whiteside was known to them and court records show he had numerous run-ins with the law.
The funeral is scheduled for Saturday at the Coquitlam Alliance Church.