What the provinces want, and what the federal budget delivered
Top infrastructure projects
Canada's situation in the current global economic crisis has all sorts of interesting aspects, perhaps none more interesting than the federal government's effort to stimulate the economy through infrastructure spending.
Top 5 pre-budget infrastructure projects in Canada
- Romaine Hydroelectric project (Quebec) - $6.5B
- Bruce A nuclear plant (Ontario) - $5.25B
- Eastmain project at James Bay (Quebec) - $5B
- Spadina subway Extension (Ontario) - $2.63B
- Clipper pipeline (Alberta) - $2B
Source: ReNew Canada
Canadians are used to Ottawa doling out pennies for capital projects when the provinces are asking for hundred-dollar bills. This time around, however, the federal government is throwing buckets of cash at the provinces.
About $12 billion in new money has been set aside for roads, bridges, railways, universities, recreation centres and other infrastructure over the next two years as part of the Conservative government's effort to give the struggling economy a leg up. And that doesn't include the hundreds of millions more that will be spent on things such as improvements to social housing.
Here are some of the more notable infrastructure projects across the country that were announced in the Jan. 27 federal budget:
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