Telecoms will have to unlock your phone for free: CBC's Marketplace consumer cheat sheet

Miss something this week? Here's the consumer news you need to know from CBC's Marketplace. Get this in your inbox every Friday. Sign up here.
Phone held ransom? Not for long
That's right. The CRTC will ban those exasperating unlocking fees telecoms charge you to switch providers, effective Dec. 1.
But other new rules are effective immediately. Now, in a family plan, only the account holder can consent to data overage and additional roaming charges, an issue that we investigated last year.
Realtor double-ending trouble
A Toronto-area couple says they got bad advice from their real estate agent, who was eager to double-end the deal. They lost a $30,000 deposit and didn't get to buy the condo.
That's just one more reason, the province's regulator says, that the government should outlaw double-ending, a practice we investigated and found some agents were breaking the rules.
'Culture of cruelty'
That's what a non-profit animal advocacy group is calling the poultry industry after it shot video of chickens allegedly being thrown, hit, kicked and run over by workers at a B.C. company. Five employees have been fired, including a supervisor.
The same animal-rights group helped us expose abuse at a turkey farm back in 2014.
Do the research. Get the refund
"It's not so much that it was the money, it was the principle."
Claude Bisson was convinced he was overcharged for his new vehicle. So he went to the library, found a newspaper ad offering the same car he just bought (but for $8,000 less than he paid), and used it to leverage his case. It paid off.
The dealership agreed to a settlement instead of going to court.
What else is going on?
The week in recalls: Careful. This granola may be contaminated with listeria. And speaking of breakfast foods, this milk could contain sharp metal objects. If you're a climber, check your gear for this belay device. And parents, these bassinets may not meet safety regulations.
Who needs a backyard anyway? This man bought a house, and found out later it doesn't include the backyard and only part of the back deck.
Left behind: This 90-year-old woman says she was taken in a wheelchair to a transfer point between flights in Calgary, but then was forgotten there, and she missed her flight. home to Houston..
Problem with green tea diet extract
Diet pills with natural ingredients are part of a booming, multi-million-dollar weight-loss industry in Canada. But are they a waste of money? And are they always safe?
We investigate popular green tea weight loss supplements and uncover dozens of reports of liver failure. Watch it again online.