Sean Davidson
Latest from Sean Davidson

Police ID remains found near butcher shop, suspect charged
Police have identified the human remains found last week behind an east-end butcher shop, and laid charges against a Toronto man.
Canada -Toronto |

Burned body found in North York park fire pit
Police are asking for the public's help after a burned and unidentified body was found in a North York park.
Canada -Toronto |

How a criminal indictment could affect Hillary Clinton's run for U.S. presidency
Depending where you sit on the political spectrum, an indictment against Hillary Clinton over her lingering email scandal is either as unavoidable as an eastern sunrise or the longest of long shots. We take a look at how an indictment would affect her presidential run.
World |

Delay at CRA hurting disabled Canadians, advocates say
Almost two years ago, Ottawa passed a bill to limit what consultants could charge when helping others file for the disability tax credit. But the bill didn't specify a limit and experts say CRA's delay in finishing the job is hitting people with disabilities in their wallets.
Business -Tax Season |

Uber drivers often unaware of tax obligations
Tax experts say the most common misconception among those who drive for Uber is that their earnings are tax-free.
Business -Tax Season |

From Ted Cruz to hockey: Best cross-border quips from White House dinner
President Barack Obama looked to the upcoming U.S. election and some of our odd northern behaviour to provide some light-hearted moments at Thursday's state dinner.
World |

Canada, OECD countries inch toward closing tax loopholes for the rich
Efforts are afoot to close tax loopholes that cost governments and taxpayers billions every year — meaning even those famously secretive bankers in the Alps might someday have to open their books.
Business -Tax Season |

Legalized marijuana as a tax boon? Don't count on it
How much revenue will Ottawa and the provinces make if marijuana is legalized? Estimates put the figure at about $5 billion, but there are many unanswered questions that could move that figure in either direction.
Business -Tax Season |

Read e-books? Watch Netflix? You're probably a tax cheat
Not many people know about — and even fewer people follow — a law that requires Canadians to voluntarily pay GST/HST for online "intangible" products including streaming music, movies and TV.
Business -Tax Season |

Paris attacks raise questions about security, immigration
The deadly attacks that rocked Paris Friday night raise questions about how effective France's efforts have been to improve security following the Charlie Hebdo killings, and whether lawmakers there will change their tune on immigration in the face of Europe's refugee crisis.
World |