Daniel Schwartz
Latest from Daniel Schwartz

In Depth
Thalidomide disaster: background to the compensation debate
There were already concerns about thalidomide when it was approved in Canada. It was withdrawn in Canada in 1962, months after other countries did so. Today, some survivors are demanding more compensation, pointing to the government's negligence.
Health |

Boeing Dreamliner draws a gigantic outline of a Dreamliner
On Wednesday afternoon a Boeing 787-800 Dreamliner took off from Seattle on a test flight. Flight tracking apps show the Dreamliner followed a flight path over the United States that draws an outline of the Dreamliner.
World |

What to expect after an interest rate hike | Facebook Live
CBC's Peter Armstrong is joined by personal finance expert Preet Banerjee for a Facebook Live Q&A about how rising interest rates could affect your finances.
Business |

When hope returns: a new drug takes on a rare, aggressive skin cancer
Fred Ewart is taking a new immunotherapy drug in the hopes it will help him survive Merkel cell carcinoma. So far, it's working.
Health |

FAQs: Worldwide bleaching of coral reefs worries scientists
While the Great Barrier Reef experiences the worst mass bleaching in its history, other coral reefs follow suit. What causes the bleaching and what can be done?
Science |

When eating your veggies isn't good for you
The Listeria-related frozen vegetables recall shows that it's not just meat processing that should concern consumers. Veggie burgers and dogs do generally worse than their meat equivalents for pathogens, undeclared allergens and ingredients, missing ingredients, and hygienic issues. And the veggie ones may secretly contain meat.
Health |

Warmer than average summer ahead across Canada, forecasters say
Nearly all of Canada will see above-normal average temperatures this summer, says Environment Canada's David Phillips.
Canada |

Census excitement obscures questions about its future
Happy census day, Canada! Some countries are moving away from the traditional census and Canada may do so, too.
Politics |

Mother's Day commercialization by the numbers
Flowers, cards — and complaints that it's too commercial — have been part of Mother's Day since its early years. We have the numbers on the commercial side of the celebration.
Business |

FAQ: Signing the Paris Agreement on climate change
Over 160 countries are expected to sign the Paris Agreement on climate change at a ceremony at the UN today, Earth Day. So what's the big deal?
Science |