World Cup: Biggest divers so far
A comprehensive research team at the Wall Street Journal is tracking the number of “simulation” attempts per country at the World Cup, along with a wonderfully-labelled statistic called “Writhing Time.”
Wall Street Journal tracking 'Injuries,' 'Writhing Time'

Everyone is wondering who's going to take home the World Cup in mid-July. A number of contenders have emerged from the pack and are looking to make a charge.
But who, pray tell, is winning the World Cup of Diving to the Ground and Groaning in Fake Pain?
Thanks to the Wall Street Journal, we have the answer.
The paper has tracked the number of “simulation” attempts per country, along with a wonderfully-labelled statistic called “Writhing Time.” The data was taken through the first 32 matches at the World Cup or, in other words, after the first two rounds of group matches were completed.
Here are some interesting points out of the information:
- Brazil is No. 1, with 17 “injuries.” Unsurprising, considering historical evidence.
- Honduras is No. 3 in simulations with 15, but tops the charts in Writhing Time, at seven minutes, 40 seconds.
- This may be a surprise considering cultural bias, but the United States is actually tied for seventh, with Ecuador, at 12 simulations. The U.S. also has a pretty high Writhing Time, at 6:24.
- Two of the most historically notorious sides, the Netherlands and Portugal, were actually tied for second in the least number of dives taken (both at four).
- Bosnia-Herzegovina had the least number of attempts, at two, and Writhing Time, at just 24 seconds.