Bobsleigh star Kaillie Humphries takes dispute to national sport resolution body
'We look forward to finding a resolution' says BCS spokesman Chris Dornan

Kaillie Humphries has taken her dispute with Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton to the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada.
The two-time Olympic champion wants the governing body of the sport in Canada to release her to compete for the United States.
Humphries' lawyer confirmed Friday her case was before SDRCC, a dispute resolution body for sports that receives federal funding.
The relationship between Humphries and BCS has become acrimonious and spilled into civil court.
Humphries asked the Canadian organization for her release Aug. 3. She went to a Calgary judge seeking an injunction forcing BCS to let her go, but was denied last week.
USA Bobsled is prepared to take Humphries on, but she requires a release from BCS by Monday in order to compete for the Americans in 2019-20.
The 34-year-old Calgarian participated in U.S. push trials as a guest last week.
Humphries lives in California and married an American earlier this month.
She filed a harassment complaint with BCS over a year ago against a coach and the organization's management, stating BCS was in violation of its own harassment and discrimination policies.
BCS handed the complaint to an independent third-party company that specializes in investigating such claims.
WATCH | Humphries ready to move on:
Hill Advisory Services concluded "in the investigator's opinion there has been no breach to relevant policy."
The SDRCC, funded by Sport Canada, offers mediation and arbitration services.
"We look forward to finding a resolution," BCS spokesman Chris Dornan said.
Humphries declined comment Friday when contacted by The Canadian Press.
Humphries and brakewoman Heather Moyse won gold in 2010 and 2014 to become the first women to repeat as Olympic bobsled champions.
The duo carried Canada's flag at the closing ceremonies in 2014. Humphries and Phylicia George earned bronze at the 2018 Olympic Games.