Boxing refs, judges facing sanctions after Olympic ejections
Questionable calls in ring led to AIBA investigation

The International Boxing Association is pursuing disciplinary action against the referees and judges sent home from the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro for failing to properly officiate fights.
AIBA says "individuals and associated federations have been forwarded to the disciplinary commission for further investigation, with appropriate actions to follow."
An unspecified number or referees and judges were dismissed during the Olympics after AIBA determined they had not met its standards of competence.
AIBA commissions met in Lausanne, Switzerland this week to review the Olympic boxing tournament, in which a handful of questionable decisions led to widespread condemnation of the judging and refereeing.
AIBA says its officials must comply with codes of "respect, fairness, integrity and transparency."
The federation is also considering the introduction of a five-judge scoring system and a review of the certification process for referees and judges.