Ice Bucket Challenge: Don Cherry 'best dressed'
Don Cherry, the star of Coach's Corner on Hockey Night in Canada, has thrown his support behind ALS with what he considers the "best dressed" Ice Bucket Challenge.
Don Cherry supports ALS with 'best dressed' Ice Bucket Challenge

You know the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a big deal in when Grapes gets involved.
Yes, Don Cherry, the irascible - dare we say, icy (?) - star of Coach's Corner on Hockey Night in Canada, took a dignified soaking for charity.
"I might not be the biggest star," he said. "But I'll be the best dressed."
Grapes mentioned he was nominated by Coach's Corner cohort Ron MacLean, who incorporated scrubs, a stick, a salchow and a swim:
Grapes also acknowledged in a tweet that Toronto Maple Leafs president Brendan Shanahan - "a fine broth of a lad" - nominated him.
We're guessing Shanny did an Irish jig after seeing Grapes water his flowered jacket in support of the fight against Lou Gehrig's disease.
"Beauty," indeed!