Sidney Crosby 'sticks' it to Rangers fan for all-star chirps
Penguins captain rewards leather-lunged fan with a compliment and souvenir

Having a loud mouth won't get you a lot of places in life, but it got one New York Rangers fan an autographed hockey stick and a great story for his pals.
Nick Lipeika's persistent chirps at Sidney Crosby and the Pittsburgh Penguins during Wednesday's game clearly made an impression.
<a href="">@RickCarpiniello</a> - funny story from last night’s game. Guy sitting next to penalty box was lighting up Sid all game with some fantastic chirps. A trainer delivered this to him after the final buzzer. <a href=""></a>
Rather than overreact to the ridicule, Crosby played things classy. After the game he had the Penguins' trainer deliver an autographed stick that read, "Good chirps. Take it easy on me next time!"
Lipeika's seats were right next to the penalty box, so Crosby couldn't miss him when he took a penalty in the first period. But Crosby didn't need to be in the box to hear him. Lipeika's trash-talking was loud enough to be heard throughout Madison Square Garden.
yes. The whole night. He was LOUD
But it was more than Lipeika's booming voice that made an impression.
The material was all-star quality.
Was sitting right near him. One of my favorites: “Sid, when Gatorade was looking for a spokesman, they wanted someone tough and they considered you but signed Justin Bieber instead.”
They said he was the third toughest Canadian, after Celine dion and Avril Lavigne... also that Malkin would have more cups with a better supporting cast 😂
On the flip side, Crosby was praised on Twitter for his good-guy move, likely made that much easier by virtue of the Penguins' 7-2 win in which the Penguins captain had a goal and an assist.
Im not a Crosby fan, but I like this move. Classy way to go about it. That guy must have been hitting him with some zinggers! 😂
Crosby probably has a fantastic personality that most of the nhl doesn’t get to see
I hate how much I don't hate Crosby.