Education a first step on the long road to reconciliation

Peggy Smith, the interim vice-provost of Aboriginal initiatives at Lakehead University, is tasked with implementing the Indigenous content requirement. She will share the university's point of view.
Recently 500 educators filed into a huge room at the University of Manitoba. They were there for Giga Maamaawii bimosemin or We Will Walk Together: A Conference for Truth and Reconciliation. The goal? To get educators and teacher candidates engaged with the history of residential schools and the lasting impacts of colonialism.
The keynote speaker was Lisa Howell. She is a Grades 5 and 6 special education teacher at Pierre Elliot Trudeau School in Gatineau, Que. Hear how she's seen reconciliation play out in her classroom.
They're part of a new farm school created by a local First Nation. CBC reporter Cheryl Kawaja dropped by the rural-northern site, to find out more.

Emma Dick, who is 90-years-old, grew up on a trapline until she was sent to a residential school where she was forbidden to speak her language. From there she went to another residential school where she helped teach her language. And she hasn't spent much time away from the classroom ever since.
This fall Emma began here 61st year teaching boys and girls in Inuvik to speak Inuvialuktun. The CBC's Marc Winkler stopped by the classroom she shares with teacher Donna Johns.
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