Jeff Lemire on being wrapped up in the dread and wonder of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
The graphic novelist and cartoonist on why he loves re-reading the literary classic.

Jeff Lemire is a New York Times bestselling cartoonist whose work includes Roughneck, Essex County, The Underwater Welder, Royal City and Gord Downie's Secret Path.
Lemire is a huge fan of the 1895 science fiction novella The Time Machine by H. G. Wells and returns to it time and time again.
"I always go back to reading H.G. Wells' The Time Machine. I first read it, I think in the eighth grade, and it filled me with wonder and awe and sense of horror when he keeps going further into the future. I remember my first feelings of existential dread there. It kind of stuck with me and it scarred me and also inspired me as a kid."
Lemire's comments have been edited for length and clarity.