IsKwé on The Rosie Project's awkward hero

IsKwé is an electronic recording artist from Winnipeg. She recently picked up Australian author Graeme Simsion's breakthrough debut novel, The Rosie Project. This interview originally aired on March 21, 2016.
What really struck me about this book is the relationship that the lead character has with other people. He's kind of awkward, and I found that the awkwardness really struck a chord with me. I think I can be pretty awkward sometimes and I appreciated how humour was a big part of his existence and the way he was perceiving things, so even if he was quite rigid in his routines — and this character has a lot of routines — he was able to create projects based on his routines, and find little ways to nurture himself and to nurture his spirit, but then also find new ways to interact with other people. It's a story of a different type of love and a different type of character. It made me laugh and it made me cry sometimes and it was just one of those books that I picked up and I couldn't put down until it was done.
IsKwé's comments have been edited and condensed.