Surprise! New government finds bigger hole than expected in the budget

How does a projected surplus turn into a projected deficit? The President of the Treasury Board, Scott Brison, and the Conservative Party's Finance critic, Lisa Raitt, join us to discuss the new government's first fiscal update.
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne doesn't expect to reach a new national target for climate change at Monday's first ministers meeting in Ottawa with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but she has high hopes for what will follow at the United Nations climate talks in Paris. She joins us.
Changes to anti-terrorism laws, physician-assisted death, missing and murdered indigenous women, legalizing marijuana, and more. Jody Wilson-Raybould's to-do list as the Justice Minister is long a complex. And she's already warning that some of her party's promises might take a while to come through.
CBC polls analyst Eric Grenier is back to look at political honeymoons. Are they real? And if so, how quickly to they tend to come to an end?
Still dealing with the realities of the transition, Justin Trudeau had a challenging week abroad. The new Prime Minister had to attend his first international gatherings in the immediate aftermath of the Paris attacks. How did he handle the challenge? We ask our In House panelists Mark Kennedy and Tonda McCharles.