Jason Kenney on sending Canadian military trainers to Ukraine

The Russian Embassy in Canada has already blasted the move as "counterproductive and deplorable."
Canada announced this week that it's joining a U.S.-led military training mission in Ukraine. At least 200 members of the Canadian Forces will take part in a two-year deployment to improve the combat skills of troops in the embattled eastern European country.
Defence Minister Jason Kenney says the trainers will be out of harm's way, some 1,300 kilometres from the conflict zone.
What is Canada's long-term strategy in Ukraine, and how safe will Canadian trainers really be? We ask the Minister.
We also ask Jason Kenney about the latest ISIS offensive. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria extremist group captured three villages in Iraq's western Anbar province this week, near the provincial capital of Ramadi - just 115 kilometres west of Baghdad. After committing to expanding Canada's mission into Syria, has the focus now shifted back to Iraq?