4 bloggers killed in Bangladesh in 2015, Parvez Alam fears he's next

With four secularist bloggers murdered so far this year, Parvez Alam says Bangladesh is at a dangerous crossroads.
Since 2013, I try to live a life without a daily schedule ... When I'm outside, I have to be very cautious, I have to look back to my shoulder if anyone is following me or not. It becomes hard to trust the people you see in the street.- Parvez Alam, on how life has changed since Banladesh writers have been targeted
Parvez Alam doesn't leave his home alone these days.
He's a writer and blogger in Bangladesh. And he's loosely affiliated with a group of writers pushing a secularist critique of their country.
But so far this year, four similarly minded writers -- all people Parvez Alam knew -- have been murdered.
All of them were hacked to death with machetes and meat cleavers, either in public or in their homes.
Hardline Islamist groups -- some said to be affiliated with Al Qaeda -- are suspected of being responsible for the attacks.
Two years ago, a list of names was made public -- They're said to be the names of these groups' future targets.
And Parvez Alam's name was on it.
Parvez Alam joined us from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

In total 5 bloggers have been targetted and killed:
This segment was produced by The Current's Gord Westmacott.
♦ Killing of bloggers stirs panic Wife details husband's slaying - The Globe & Mail
♦ Why are bloggers being killed in Bangladesh? - Aljazeera
♦ Blogger killed by machete gang had asked for protection - The Guardian