The Current for May 31, 2022

Today on The Current:
Former Supreme Court justice Louise Arbour released her final report on sexual misconduct in the military on Monday. Matt Galloway discusses its recommendations with Donna Riguidel and Dawn McIlmoyle, two former armed services members and survivors of sexual assault.
Then, a persistent drought in East Africa is fuelling the threat of famine, amid fears that climate change will only make the situation worse in years to come. We hear from Aliow Mohamed, the Somalia country director for the humanitarian NGO Islamic Relief; and Barron Joseph Orr, the lead scientist at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
Plus, a week after a mass shooting at a school in Texas, trauma counsellor Deb Del Vecchio-Scully discusses the work she did to help the community affected by the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting — and what can help a community find resiliency after a mass tragedy.
And a missing Picasso — recently spotted in the home of Imelda Marcos, the former First Lady of the Philippines — has the art world and former Philippine investigators chattering. We talk to Ruben Carranza, who worked on the investigations into the Marcos' wealth; and art journalist Georgina Adam.