The AFN's quest to mobilize the First Nations vote

I was quite pleasantly surprised to see a lot of people who showed up and said, 'I'm a first time voter.' What they were really wanting was to see some change.- Melody Wood, an organizer for Indigenous Vote Sask
Melody Wood, an organizer behind Indigenous Vote Sask, is working hard to get out the First Nations vote in the upcoming federal election . She's hoping to motivate a lot of first time voters.
Turnout amongst First Nations people has been historically low — but has the potential to make a big impact.

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde recently pointed out that the 2011 election's results could have been dramatically different, with more First Nations involvement. And that's what he's trying to make happen this time around.
Perry Bellegarde is the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. We reached him in Saskatoon.
Attempts have been made in the past to increase voter turnout amongst First Nations, Inuit and Metis people. For some perspective on the challenges involved, we were joined by Jean Teillet. She is an aboriginal rights lawyer, and treaty negotiator in Vancouver.
This segment was produced by The Current's Marc Apollonio and Vanessa Greco.
AFN identifies 51 swing ridings ahead of federal election - The Canadian Press
First Nations advocates urge - The Canadian Press
Encouraging Aboriginal participation in Canadian politics - Craig & Marc Kielburger, We Day
Higher native turnout could have reduced Harper to minority govt - The Globe & Mail