The Current for July 6, 2022

Today on The Current:
Travellers continue to battle long wait times, delays and flight cancellations as they try to travel by plane this summer. Those challenges prompted Air Canada to cancel flights throughout the summer. For Jenn MacDougall, that meant she had to sleep on the floor of the airport. Now she tells guest host Rosemary Barton that she's calling for action; travel expert Scott Keyes discusses how people can be best prepared; and Monette Pasher, president of the Canadian Airports Council, says global travel likely won't get better anytime soon.
Then, an enormous wind farm is under construction on the Shetland Islands, north of Scotland — despite strong local opposition. For her documentary Winds of Change from December, Samira Mohyeddin travelled to the islands to explore that conflict, and how that tension plays into the global transition away from fossil fuels.
And Old Yeller suddenly isn't so old. Keith McArthur explores how the latest life-prolonging drugs can help your furry friend in episode seven of the CBC podcast Unlocking The Fountain. Read more about our summer podcast series here.