The Current for Jan. 20, 2022

Today on The Current:
COVID-19 left Matthew Cardinal on a ventilator last spring. He's now back at work in Regina, but living with the debilitating effects of COVID-19. He talks to Matt Galloway about the impact the virus had on his life, and how he tries to stay optimistic in the face of uncertainty.
Plus, we hear how Montreal pharmacist Daron Basmadjian set up an ultra-safe vaccine clinic to help the immunocompromised, who are scared to attend bigger clinics.
Then, when Cristino Bouvette became a priest, he dreaded telling his grandmother — a residential school survivor. But her reaction showed him that reconciliation takes many forms.
And remote learning has cut off the school meal programs that are vital for kids from low-income families. We hear how communities stepped in to fill that void, and how the pandemic increased calls for Canada to implement a national school lunch program. We talk to Marlene Evans, an education assistant who has coordinated the food program at James Nisbet Community School in Winnipeg for more than a decade; Amanda Rouse, who ran a local volunteer lunch delivery program while schools were closed in the Kennebecasis Valley outside Saint John, N.B.; and Debbie Field, co-ordinator for the Coalition for Healthy School Food.