Canadian companies, poor record in aftermath of Rana Plaza collapse
It was two years ago this week. There were real promises for reform from the garment industry after the Rana Plaza collapse that killed more than a thousand people. Today we're checking in on what kind of progress has been made, especially by Canadian companies.

Tomorrow will mark two years since the Rana factory collapse in Bangladesh.
When the dust had settled, 1100 workers were dead, and thousands more injured. In the days after the disaster, seven Canadian companies were identified as having suppliers with production at the Rana factory.
A new report released on Tuesday by the institutional shareholder advocacy group Share, revealed how the Canadian companies have responded in the aftermath of the disaster to improve their corporate accountability.
Kevin Thomas is the Director of Shareholder Engagement at Share. He was in our Toronto studio.
Here are the full statements sent to us from the Canadian companies reflected in the report.
This segment was produced by The Current's Sujata Berry.