Gay men and honour killings: 'The Invisible Crime'

* A warning, some of the details of this story are disturbing. *
All it takes is a simple Google News search to show how prevalent honour killings are today, all around the world.
Just this past week there was a story of a 19-year-old girl in India, killed -- allegedly -- at the hands of her father. And two sisters in Libya, also allegedly killed for the sin of bringing dishonour to their family.
But we hear less about gay men who are threatened with so-called honour killings. Today, we bring you a story about just that... and not from some faraway country, but from Canada.
In order to protect this young man, we're not going to get any more specific about where in Canada he lives. We've also changed his name, and altered his voice, for protection.
Freelance journalist Chantelle Bellrichard's documentary is titled, "The Invisible Crime."