Kati Marton's two loves: Richard Holbrooke and Peter Jennings

Part Two of The Current
Kati Marton's two loves: Richard Holbrooke and Peter Jennings
Richard Holbrooke was the legendary international trouble shooter who stared down despots and helped broker the end of conflict around the world. But while Holbrooke was a tough negotiator, he also had a romantic and tender side. Kati Marton knew that side very well. The longtime author and journalist was married to Richard Holbrooke for 15 years, until his sudden death in December, 2010. She was also the wife of the Canadian legendary newsman Peter Jennings, well-known as the face of ABC World News Tonight. He died of lung cancer in 2005.
Kati Marton reveals much about these two powerful men and her own incredible journey through life in her new book Paris: A Love Story. And Kati Marton joins me in Toronto.
This segment was produced by The Current's Howard Goldenthal.
Other segments from today's show:
Slavoj Zizek and 'The Year of Dreaming Dangerously'
Of Mothers and Merchants - Documentary Repeat