Will Elon Musk's patent decision save the electric car?

Tesla's founder Elon Musk stunned many last week when he announced his company would make its advanced electric car patents available for all to see and use. Some believe Musk's latest move could change the way the auto industry functions.
Musk says his goal is to challenge the big carmakers to join him in building a sustainable, carbon-free future.
Mr. Musk is a fascinating figure. The billionaire, who holds a Canadian passport, made a fortune with Paypal, co-founded the Space Exploration company SpaceX, and wants to transform transportation with Tesla Motors.
To discuss what Musk's decision could mean for the electric car, and the auto industry in general, we were joined by two guests:
- Joseph B. White is the global automotive editor for the Wall Street Journal. He joined us from Detroit, Michigan.
- Chris Paine directed Revenge of the Electric Car and Who Killed the Electric Car. He was in Berlin, Germany.
Would you take a chance on an electric car? Or is it still a dream that's far from being realized?
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This segment was produced by The Current's Elizabeth Hoath and Carman Melville.