Is it time to get tough with urban coyotes?

Urban coyote sightings are on the rise in North America, and so are the problems that come along with the animals. That's made for tension at town halls as anxious urbanites look for tougher action.
Despite the worry, many coyote experts say humans can make peace with the canines.
We get both perspectives on the show this week.
Chris Peters lost his little dog, Cujo, when it was snatched from his Toronto backyard by an aggressive urban coyote. Since then, Peters has been calling for cities to take such incidents more seriously.
Maureen Murray has a PhD in Ecology and works for the Edmonton Urban Coyote Project. She spends her days following city-slicker coyotes to find out what makes them tick, and she says it's compost piles -- not coyotes -- that are the real problem.