Dr. Brian Goldman gets personal, Blue Jays commentator phones fans, the power of scent
Mary speaks to her work pal Dr. Brian Goldman about pandemic life and the music that’s lifting his spirits. Blue Jays announcer Jamie Campbell calls elderly fans during the pandemic to ward off loneliness. When Nehal El-Hadi gave birth to her first child, she reached for the sandalwood oil to pass on a connection with her Sudanese culture.

In the Before Times, Mary Hynes and Brian Goldman were work pals. We called Dr. Goldman to talk about our Soundtrack for the Soul — the playlist of songs giving people life right now — but the script went out the window and the two started talking from the heart. Blue Jays announcer Jamie Campbell has been calling elderly fans during the pandemic to ward off loneliness… and the human connection has fortified Campbell and fans alike. When Nehal El-Hadi gave birth to her first child, she instinctively reached for the sandalwood oil, to anoint her baby and build a connection with her Sudanese culture.