Connecting with your roots - for better and for worse
Rastafarian Donisha Prendergast, the granddaughter of the world's most famous Rastafarian, Bob Marley, explains why marijuana is considered a sacrament. And Guest host Ali Hassan talks to several adopted people who are reunited with their families, for better or for worse.

Donisha Prendergast, the granddaughter of the world's most famous Rastafarian, Bob Marley, explains why marijuana is considered a sacrament in her religion. She talks about the upcoming legalization of marijuana in Canada, and how conversations around justice need to happen while this new industry is developing.
Neil Schwartzman: When a DNA test connected him to his sister and birth mother, their meeting made them poster-children for the DNA testing company 23andMe. But their reunion brought to light many family secrets which threatened to destroy their fragile friendship.
Natalie Tucker: Her adopted mother always identified as black until a DNA test led them to find her surprising lineage.