The Sunday Edition for June 9, 2019

The head of Canada's biggest school board on the epidemic of violence in elementary school classrooms: Our series Hard Lessons laid bare the shockingly widespread incidences of violence committed by children against their teachers. It's a complex problem and it has not received the attention it deserves. John Malloy is director of education at the Toronto District School Board, which oversees more than 500 schools. He has the power to do something about it.
Your reaction to: Michael's interview with Catherine Tait, president and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada.
Why millennials are embracing "co-living":
(Please note: We apologise, but the link to this story will not be live until Sunday morning. Please check back tomorrow!)
Ira Basen checks out the new kid on the urban housing block, which is aimed straight at millennials. It's called co-living, it's attracting hundreds of millions of real estate investment dollars in the U.S., and it's coming here soon. Co-living shares a few characteristics with its distant cousin, co-housing, but it's a very different animal. It caters to young, mobile workers who want affordable housing with a sense of community. Ira's documentary is called Co-Living: A Space Odyssey.
Yucho Chow's portraits illustrate life in Vancouver's Chinese community a century ago: At a time when portrait photography was for the wealthy, Yucho Chow's studio welcomed members of marginalized groups such as the black and Sikh communities, mixed-race couples and other immigrants. Hundreds of photographs have survived, illustrating what life was like at a time of intense racism. Curator Catherine Clement collected the photos and stories they tell for an exhibition at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver.
Empathy makes us human — and it's in decline: The scientist Frans de Waal calls empathy the foundation of morality. But evidence suggests that empathy is losing ground in the West. People are withholding it from those with whom they disagree. This has consequences for social harmony, global affairs, democracy and well-being. Enright's guests are Sara Konrath, director of the Interdisciplinary Program on Empathy and Altruism Research at Indiana University, and Fritz Breithaupt, author of The Dark Sides of Empathy.
Your reaction to: Michael's interview with New York Times crossword constructor Will Nediger, followed by Ira Basen's documentary odyssey to find out who had turned his last name into a crossword clue — and more importantly, why. Basen's documentary from 2016 is called 42 Across.
Music this week by: Amanda Martinez, Thompson Egbo-Egbo, and Mose Scarlett.