The search for extraterrestrial life; Essay; Doc - Manjusha's Match; Dick Cavett

The search for extraterrestrial life: (00:00:08)
A close encounter with Pluto, the discovery of an Earthlike planet, one hundred million dollars to fund the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life. These are heady times for space exploration and the quest to discover life beyond our planetary boundaries. But what exactly are we looking for? How will we know if we've found it? And if we do, what then? Guest host and admitted science fiction nerd Kevin Sylvester gets the answers from Dan Werthimer and Paul Davies, two of the scientists most deeply involved in the search and the big questions it raises.
Essay - The Barber's Legacy: (00:41:26) If we are very fortunate, the right people appear at the right moment and help change the course of our lives. Patrick Wolfe of Victoria didn't realize it at the time, but he was one of those lucky ones.
Documentary - Manjusha's Match: (00:47:53)The story of a desperate search for a stem cell donor, when a transplant is the last and best hope for survival. But there are obstacles in the way. A repeat of Alisa Siegel's popular documentary from last season
Dick Cavett: (01:14:39) The legendary talk show host brought gravitas, erudition and wry, offbeat humour to prime time television, along with intellectual heavyweights and pop culture icons. In this reprise of an interview with Michael Enright last November, Dick Cavett looks back on some of the more memorable personalities he met in his colourful career in a new book, Brief Encounters: Conversations, Magic Moments, and Assorted Hijinks. He also reflects on the changing media landscape and the tumultuous summer 40 years ago when he was in the middle of the TV spectacle of Watergate.