Pedestrians vs distracted drivers; Karen Armstrong on religious violence; Being black in America; Prison policy
This week on The Sunday Edition, November 30, 2014:...

This week on The Sunday Edition, November 30, 2014:
Michael's Essay: Pedestrians at risk from distracted drivers: (00:30) Michael argues that pedestrians are at increasing risk from distracted drivers.
Karen Armstrong: "Religion does not beget violence." (04:43) In her new book, Fields of Blood, British author - and former Catholic sister - Karen Armstrong, zeros in on the myths and the reality surrounding the role of religion in the history of warfare and violence.
James Baldwin: The Fire This Time - From Harlem to Ferguson (01:01:52) Renowned choreographer Bill T. Jones was the artistic director of a New York Arts Festival devoted to James Baldwin this year. He talks to Michael Enright about Baldwin's life and legacy.
John Howard Society head says "tough on crime" policy poses dangers for society: (01:30:20) Catherine Latimer has devoted her life to advocating for people who have come into conflict with the law. The executive director of the John Howard Society explains why the current government's plan to incarcerate more people is a bad idea that will make us all less safe.