Patrina Lemorsley wins her fight to beat addiction and get her children back - an Alisa Siegel documentary
When Patrina Lemorsley's kids became Crown wards, she didn't dare to dream they would ever be together again. But they are, thanks to Family Group Conferencing, an "it takes a village" approach to helping families reconnect and thrive.
It was one of the darkest points in the life of Patrina Lemorsley.
Her husband was a crack addict, and he was violent. Patrina used drugs too, and the kids were often left to fend for themselves. On a particularly harrowing day, Patrina placed a call to the Children's Aid Society.
That's when her four children became Crown wards. She didn't dare to dream they would ever be together again. But they are, thanks to something called Family Group Conferencing, an "it takes a village" approach to helping complicated families re-connect and thrive.
Alisa Seigel's documentary is called, "She's Here Now."