Former soldier Rick Mitchell on the glorification of war on Remembrance Day
There have been many requests for a letter from a listener, that Michael Enright read on the program on November 16th. The letter came in response to Michael's essay of November 9th, in which he explained why he doesn't usually wear a poppy on Remembrance Day.Rick Mitchell, who lives on Gabriola Island, B.C. sent this:...

There have been many requests for a letter from a listener, that Michael Enright read on the program on November 16th. The letter came in response to Michael's essay of November 9th, in which he explained why he doesn't usually wear a poppy on Remembrance Day.
Rick Mitchell, who lives on Gabriola Island, B.C. sent this:
"It hits me the hardest around Remembrance Day - and this year is the worst in recent memory. Your week-long glorification of war disgusts me. With the willing help of the CBC, war and terror and soldiers - dead ones in particular - are used to every advantage.
"My time in Canada's military was of great importance to me. I was sucked in through a glossy recruitment program, stripped of my individuality and taught how to hate and kill.
"Most of the young men in my platoon did not join to fight the evil regime-of-the-day. They joined because they had nothing else to do. The same was true of so many who fought in WW2: they went to the military for three meals a day. Oh yes...and because of the propaganda.
"I worked in a Canadian Legion long enough to see just how the military life, and war can damage a person. I would like to hear some real truth about the military, and how it represents a failure of our society.
"Let young men know that. Let them know that the battle should be taking place in our schools and institutions. We need to teach them that wars can be stopped at the ballot box.
"We need them to see that we are being led down a path to war yet again, and that the glorification of the military is part of the plan.
"Too bad the CBC has now been recruited to help take us to war."
Rick Mitchell, Gabriola Island, B.C.
We'll have more from listeners on this subject on The Sunday Edition of November 23rd.
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