Canada's refugee policy - Michael's essay; Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel; Living arrangements - the itinerant life; Geoffrey James; Mail about wills and estates; Tragedy builds a new family
This week on The Sunday Edition, November 30, 2014:...

This week on The Sunday Edition, November 30, 2014:
Do NOT give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free - Michael's essay: Canada has a proud history of welcoming those fleeing conflict zones. But that has changed. Today, the UN estimates there are 3.5 million refugees from war-torn Syria; Canada has agreed to take a meagre 1300.
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel says he wants to die at 75, and we should all do the same: Emanuel, who is now 57, has no terminal illness and no plans to commit suicide. In fact, the esteemed oncologist and Chair of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with two nephews. But he is serious about his intention to die at age 75, and encourages the rest of us to follow his example. He says when he reaches that age, he will refuse all tests and treatments, and allow his body to take its natural course. He'll explain why.
Living Arrangements - The Itinerant Life: Amy Attas is at home wherever she finds herself. And in the course of any given year, she finds herself in a lot of places. Many of us - most of us - yearn for some kind of stability, a place to call our own, hang a hat, put down roots. But there's another kind of living arrangement - on the move, most of the time - that suits a subculture just fine.
Geoffrey James captures stunning images of life inside Kingston Pen: Geoffrey James has just released a book of photographs of inmates inside Canada's oldest and most notorious maximum-security facility. Inside Kingston Penitentiary: 1853-2013 shows prison life as you have never seen it before. James documents what he calls a "low-level civil war" between guards and prisoners; prisoner "warehousing", and the heavy use of psychotropic drugs to sedate troubled inmates. It's a fascinating and chilling portrait of a closed society.
Mail about wills and estates: Your comments on our interview about family feuds over wills and estates.
Tragedy builds a new family: Late in life, children's author Jean Little and her sister Pat De Vries took on the task of raising Pat's two grandchildren, whose mother was killed by Robert Picton. In our continuing series, Living Arrangements, a look inside this unconventional, but deeply loving, family. Cate Cochran's documentary is called "Ours for Keeps."