You probably worked from home this week. We did, too
How we made the Remote Spark Guide to Working Remotely

This week, our radio show was produced at five different locations across Toronto, none of which is the CBC building.
Remote work is something we have discussed a lot on Spark over the past decade, but we have never actually made the radio show from home. But this week, as many others around the world are doing to stop the spread of COVID-19, the team is working remotely.
Making radio is all about collaboration: even Nora's narration is usually recorded in the studio together with another producer. This week, we had to make do with virtual meetings, a really good microphone set-up, and a room sound-proofed with many cushions.
We had to make some adjustments for recording interviews, too. Usually, we invite guests to the Broadcast Centre in Toronto, or to studios linked to ours at universities and public radio affiliates around the world.
But as you know, many of these public gathering places are now closed at least until the end of this month.
So, as a result, interviews with this week's guests have also all been recorded remotely, with the guest in their respective home or office, Nora in her home, and other show producers in their home recording a back-up version.
Remote work has always been about distance, and how technology can make that distance manageable. And it's a regular, pre-pandemic way of life for many people.
But the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing mean a massive portion of the physical office-space workforce is suddenly finding themselves at home.
It comes with its own hurdles: slower connections, unfamiliar software, noisy neighbours, kids or pets.
There are also numerous people who don't have the option to work from home, such as supermarket cashiers, healthcare providers and food delivery people. Others are out of work indefinitely due to social distancing practices.
We're exploring what it means for us all when some of us have the privilege of working from home, and so many others do not.
These are not ordinary "work from home" times, but we're getting you the best advice for working well remotely.