
Giveaway: Minecraft for Parents

Minecraft, the wildly popular game for adults and children, lets users construct things out of virtual objects. It has earned praise for its potential as a fun, creative, and educational game for kids. Sounds great, right? It also has a bit of a reputation as a source of frustration for parents who are trying to customize the game the way...

Minecraft, the wildly popular game for adults and children, lets users construct things out of virtual objects. It has earned praise for its potential as a fun, creative, and educational game for kids. Sounds great, right? It also has a bit of a reputation as a source of frustration for parents who are trying to customize the game the way their kids want. That's why we're giving away Minecraft guides.

<p>They're written by <a href="">Cori Dusmann</a>. She's the Victoria-based author of the brand new book, <a href="">The Minecraft Guide for Parents</a>, which explains what it is, and how to install and play it.</p> <p>You can listen to my full interview with Cori below, which has lots of tips for what to expect, and how to help your kids. <a href="">Here is the link</a> to the Minecraft wiki Cori mentioned on the show.</p> <!--START Minecraft for Parents AUDIO HERE --> <div class="clear"></div> <!--END Minecraft for Parents AUDIO --> <p>As mentioned, we have copies of Cori's book to give away. For your chance to win a copy, just leave a comment below, telling us why you want to learn more about Minecraft. Contest closes Thursday, December 19th at 5:00 pm Eastern.</p>