Changing Our Podcast Format
As we gear up for season six(!) of Spark, we're thinking it's time to move away from two podcasts (Spark and Spark Plus) and switch to one podcast. We'd love your feedback. ...
As we gear up for season six(!) of Spark, we're thinking it's time to move away from two podcasts (Spark and Spark Plus) and switch to one podcast. We'd love your feedback. Right now, you can subscribe to Spark and get the weekly show, exactly as you would hear it on the radio, but available when you want it. The Spark Plus podcast gets you extra features like long-form interviews. We'd like to expand the features that we're offering in between episodes: more bonus content such as extended freelance pieces, long-form interviews and other extras. It's part of the Spark team thinking of itself as creators of content, including a radio show, rather than as "radio producers". We're hoping it can be part of a strategy of providing more digital features in season six. ;<div><br /></div><div>In order to do this, we think it makes sense to get rid of the division between Spark Plus and Spark, and switch to one podcast called Spark, which includes the episode plus digital features. We think it will be less confusing, offer extra content to more people, and overall serve as a more contemporary approach to what it means to make a weekly program in the age of the feed. ;<div><br /></div><div>Of course, we might be missing something: unanticipated downsides, headaches, or issues for you, the user. So we thought we'd put the call out there. Do you think this is a good idea? Do you anticipate any problems? Let us know in the comments below, or drop us a line: ;<a href=""></a></div></div>