Davinder Mahli, 18, is passionate about theatre, and has written award-winning plays. Davinder’s parents worked hard to send him to theatre school, but he’s losing inspiration. Does he stick it out, or does tell his parents he’s switching majors?
CBC Radio ·
Toronto Coach House I: Davinder’s Decision
8 years ago
Duration 2:12
Toronto Coach House I: Davinder’s Decision
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This Sleepover—in downtown Toronto—unfolds in a horse stable-turned-open-concept loft. No horses, no hay. It looks more like the set of Friends, with bright sofas and Pottery Barn nic nacs.
Davinder Mahli, 18, arrives out of breath and frazzled. He got lost in a cab on the way over. Davinder is passionate about theatre, and has written award-winning plays. He won a scholarship to the University of Calgary theatre program, but Davinder had his heart set on York University. So, his devoted parents worked hard and saved their money to send him there.
Now, Davinder is losing his inspiration, and considering switching majors, but doesn't have the heart to break it to his parents.
Can two people he's never met before shine a light on a future path?
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At a secret location on a torn up street under construction, the first to arrive is Eryn Faye Frans, sex therapist. (Veronica Simmonds)
Next enters Walter Callaghan, a former military medic. (Veronica Simmonds)
A young man is lost. He pulls his luggage down a torn up street searching for our sleepover. (Veronica Simmonds)
It’s Davinder Mahli, Calgary teen new to T.O., frazzled but thankful to find us. (Veronica Simmonds)
Youngest goes first. We plunk down on the corner couch and dive into Davinder’s dilemma. (Veronica Simmonds)
It has to do with his beloved family he left behind to attend university in Toronto, and the deep secret Davinder is keeping from them. (Veronica Simmonds)
And a silver lining: it’s a special day, Davinder’s 18th birthday! (Veronica Simmonds)