TEACHING GUIDE: The Secret Life of Chinatown
This episode explores the early roots of Chinese migration to Canada, investigates the causes and consequences of government policies to exclude Chinese people, and looks at continuity and change in Chinatowns today.

What is the historical importance of Chinatowns? How did Chinatowns go from safe-havens to celebrated cultural spaces? This episode of The Secret Life of Canada explores the early roots of Chinese migration to Canada, investigates the causes and consequences of government policies to exclude Chinese people, and looks at continuity and change in Chinatowns today.
Possible teaching connections include Geography, History, Social Studies, Law, Civics, and Anthropology.
This teaching guide includes:
- Lesson plan
- Slideshow
- Ad-free audio for download
- Activity sheets
- Episode transcript
- Bonus mini episode: 'Shout out to Madhu Verma, child refugee turned newcomer advocate' (ad-free audio, lesson plan, slides & activities)
Download the master folder here.
More Teaching Guides for The Secret Life Of Canada and other CBC Podcasts are available HERE.